PrestaShop has developed a great UI for its Backoffice, and one of the not-so-well-known powerful features is the HelperForm object. You can create pretty much anything you want with it, but the official documentation is not complete and lacks some examples. Here’s a live preview of all the features provided by this wonderful Helper object.

Source: Most of the code here has been taken from the AdminPatternsController. You can preview it fully from your backoffice

Patterns of helper form.tpl and HelperForm

  'type' => 'text',
  'label' => 'required input text',
  'name' => 'type_text_required',
  'required' => true,
  'placeholder' => 'placeholder here'


desc input text

  'type' => 'text',
  'label' => 'input fixed-width-md with prefix+suffix',
  'name' => 'type_text_md',
  'class' => 'input fixed-width-md',
  'prefix' => 'prefix',
  'suffix' => 'suffix',
  'desc' => 'desc input text'

  'type' => 'textbutton',
  'label' => 'input with button',
  'name' => 'type_textbutton',
  'button' => [
      'label' => 'do something',
      'attributes' => [
          'onclick' => 'alert('something done');'