serverConf.xml holds a lot of information concerning the configuration of your instance. But thereβs no direct access from the console. You can read and dump its content using Linux commands through Javascript.
Get your serverConf.xml
Create a simple workflow with a JS activity and an End:
Open up the JS activity and use this code:
var result = execCommand('pwd'); // to get current dir
result = execCommand('ls ../../conf'); // to display the content of the conf folder
result = execCommand('cp ../../conf/serverConf.xml /sftp/your-incoming-ftp-folder/');
* @param command The command to execute with its parameters
* @param bNoThrow true to get the output and the error code even if the command does not return zero (false by default).
* @return a table whose first element corresponds to the return code of the command (if the return code is different from zero, there is an anomaly) and the second element is a character string containing the standard output produced
* @note Depending on your installation, some commands can be blacklisted. For example: ln, dd, openssl, curl, wget, python, python3, perl, ruby, sh, bash, dash, zsh, base64, nlserver, node, phantomjs, java, awk, nc, telnet, ssh, scp, ftp
function execCommand (command [, bNoThrow=false ])
See more JS commands in this tutorial
Sample of serverConf.xml
<?xml version='1.0'?>
<!-- Identification
checkIPConsistent : Enable IP address checking Default: false
defaultMode : Default identification mode Default: 'nl'
longSessionTimeOutSec : Timeout of long sessions in seconds Default: 1296000
securityTimeOutSec : Security token timeout in seconds Default: 86400
sessionCacheSec : Cache of session information in seconds Default: 600
sessionTimeOutSec : Session timeout in seconds Default: 86400 -->
<authentication checkIPConsistent="false" defaultMode="nl" longSessionTimeOutSec="1296000"
securityTimeOutSec="86400" sessionCacheSec="600" sessionTimeOutSec="86400">
<!-- XTK authentication mode
internalPassword : Password of internal account
internalSecurityZone : Authorized zone for the internal account Default: 'lan' -->
<xtk internalPassword="" internalSecurityZone="lan"/>
<!-- Definitions of server data sources
exportDirectory : Path of destination directory for the exported data. Default: '$(XTK_INSTALL_DIR)/var/$(INSTANCE_NAME)/export/'
formCacheTimeToLive : Timeout in seconds after which a cache entry is invalidated. O means that cache entries are only refreshed at publication time. Default: 600
hosts : List of DNS masks that this instance serves (comma separated, can use * and ? patterns) Default: '*'
interactionCacheTimeToLive : Timeout in seconds after which a cache entry is invalidated. A negative value means that the cache is always invalidated. '0', empty or invalid values are considered to be 60. Default: 300
lang : Instance language
uploadDirectory : Path of destination directory for the uploaded data. Default: '$(XTK_INSTALL_DIR)/var/$(INSTANCE_NAME)/upload/'
uploadWhitelist : Authorized files to be downloaded separated by ','. The string must be a valid, regular java expression. Default: '.+'
viewCacheTimeToLive : Timeout in seconds after which a cache entry is invalidated. A negative value means that the cache is always invalidated. '0', empty or invalid values are considered to be 60. Default: 600
workingDirectory : XPath of the working directory. Default: '$(XTK_INSTALL_DIR)/var/$(INSTANCE_NAME)/workspace/' -->
<dataStore exportDirectory="$(XTK_INSTALL_DIR)/var/$(INSTANCE_NAME)/export/"
formCacheTimeToLive="600" hosts="*" interactionCacheTimeToLive="300"
lang="" uploadDirectory="$(XTK_INSTALL_DIR)/var/$(INSTANCE_NAME)/upload/"
uploadWhitelist=".+" viewCacheTimeToLive="600" workingDirectory="$(XTK_INSTALL_DIR)/var/$(INSTANCE_NAME)/workspace/">
<!-- URLs matching the regular expression are regenerated based on the URL defined in urlBase
urlBase : Base to use when generating external URLs. Ex:
urlRegEx : Regular expression to match URLs. Ex: http://server\.lan\.net.* -->
<proxyAdjust urlBase="" urlRegEx=""/>
<!-- Data source
<dataSource name="default">
<dbcnx NChar="" bulkCopyUtility="" dbSchema="" encrypted="" login="" password=""
provider="" server="" timezone="" unicodeData="" useTimestampTZ=""/>
<sqlParams funcPrefix="">
<pool aliveTestDelaySec="600" freeCnx="0" maxCnx="50" maxIdleDelaySec="1200"/>
<!-- Virtual-directory-to-real-directory mapping.
name : Name of the virtual directory
path : Full path of the actual directory -->
<virtualDir name="images" path="$(XTK_INSTALL_DIR)/var/res/img/"/>
<virtualDir name="formCache" path="$(XTK_INSTALL_DIR)/var/$(INSTANCE_NAME)/formCache/"/>
<virtualDir name="publicFileRes" path="$(XTK_INSTALL_DIR)/var/res/$(INSTANCE_NAME)"/>
<!-- DNS configuration
localDomain : Default domain name. Used by the SMTP HELO command.
nameServers : Comma separated list of domain name servers (DNS).
retry : Number of retries for a DNS query Default: 4
timeout : Timeout in milliseconds for a DNS query Default: 5000 -->
<dnsConfig localDomain="" nameServers="" retry="4" timeout="5000"/>
<!-- Command execution
blacklistFile : Path to the file containing the commands to blacklist
user : Execute commands as a different user -->
<exec blacklistFile="" user=""/>
<!-- Configuration of the service for converting web pages into PDF documents
command : Command line for running the conversion (in 'other' mode) example for phantomjs phantomjs - -ignore-ssl-errors=true '$(XTK_INSTALL_DIR)/bin/htmlToPdf.js' '-out:{outPdf}' '-post:{postFile}' '-url:{originUrl}' -sessiontoken:{sessiontoken} -format:{format} -orientation:{orientation} -marginTop:{marginTop} -marginLeft:{marginLeft} -marginRight:{marginRight} -marginBottom:{marginBottom}
maxProcessusCount : Max. number of conversion processes allowed at a time on one machine. Default: 5
mode : Tool to use for the conversion (phantomjs|wkhtmltopdf|other|disabled) Default: 'phantomjs'
timeout : Maximum conversion time in seconds. Beyond this threshold, the conversion process is stopped and an error is raised. Default: 120
verbose : Start in verbose mode to diagnose possible errors. Default: false
waitTime : Delay in seconds, when all processes are used at the same time and when waiting for a process to free up. If this delay is exceeded, conversion is stopped and an error is raised. Default: 15 -->
<htmlToPdf command="" maxProcessusCount="5" mode="phantomjs" timeout="120" verbose="false"
<!-- Configuring the JavaScript interpreter
maxMB : Maximum size in megabytes before running the garbage collector Default: 64
stackSizeKB : Size of each stack chunk in kilo octets Default: 8 -->
<javaScript maxMB="64" stackSizeKB="8"/>
<!-- Configuration of the SMTP server
mxAddress : IP address of SMTP server for the transfer of emails.
mxPort : TCP port of SMTP server used for the Email transfer. Default: 25 -->
<mailExchanger mxAddress="" mxPort="25"/>
<!-- Namespaces configuration
defaultNameSpace : Default namespace used when creating a new entity Default: 'cus' -->
<module defaultNameSpace="cus"/>
<!-- Monitoring service configuration
maxPreparationJobsSec : Duration in seconds after which a delivery action should no longer be in preparation Default: 3600
unixScript : Unix script ran by the monitoring service
winScript : Windows script to be executed by the monitoring service -->
<monitoring maxPreparationJobsSec="3600" unixScript="" winScript=""/>
<!-- Configuration of the document conversion server
maxConversions : Maximum number of conversions which an OpenOffice server is allowed to perform. Beyond this number, the server is restarted. Default: 1000
maxServerIdleSec : Maximum idle time of OpenOffice server before forced closing. Default: 7200
portRange : Interval of ports on which the OpenOffice servers are listening Default: 8101-8110
url : URL of the document conversion server Default: 'http://localhost:8080/nl/jsp/ooconv.jsp' -->
<ooconv maxConversions="1000" maxServerIdleSec="7200" portRange="8101-8110" url="http://localhost:8080/nl/jsp/ooconv.jsp"/>
<!-- Configuration of proxy parameters
enabled : Use a proxy server Default: false
override : List of addresses for which proxy parameters shall be ignored. Default: 'localhost*'
useSingleProxy : Use the same configuration for all types of proxy Default: false -->
<proxyConfig enabled="false" override="localhost*" useSingleProxy="false">
<!-- HTTP Proxy
<proxyHTTP address="" login="" password="" port=""/>
<!-- Secure proxy
<proxyHTTPS address="" login="" password="" port=""/>
<!-- Configuration of the thread pool
maxThreadCount : Maximum number of threads in pool. Default: 10 -->
<threadPool maxThreadCount="10"/>
<!-- List of URLs that the Javascript code can access.
action : Default action if the URL is not in the authorized list. Values: deny (default), warn, ignore
debugTrace : Debugging trace of the URL selection mechanism Default: false -->
<urlPermission action="" debugTrace="false">
<!-- URL mask
dnsSuffix : Domain name, or domain parent, concerned by the URL
urlRegEx : Regular expression to refine validating URLs belonging to this domain. -->
<url dnsSuffix="" urlRegEx="https://api\.omniture\.com/genesis/i/3\.1.*"/>
<url dnsSuffix="" urlRegEx="https://api[1-5]\.omniture\.com/genesis/i/3\.1.*"/>
<url dnsSuffix="" urlRegEx="https://.*"/>
<url dnsSuffix="" urlRegEx="https://gcm-http\.googleapis\.com/gcm/send.*"/>
<url dnsSuffix="" urlRegEx="https://.*"/>
<url dnsSuffix="" urlRegEx="https://api\.line\.me/v1.*"/>
<url dnsSuffix="" urlRegEx="https://api\.twitter\.com/1\.1.*"/>
<url dnsSuffix="" urlRegEx="https://.*"/>
<url dnsSuffix="" urlRegEx="https://.*"/>
<url dnsSuffix="" urlRegEx="https://deliverability\.neolane\.net/jssp/dm/renderingSeed\.jssp"/>
<url dnsSuffix="" urlRegEx="https://deliverability\.neolane\.net/nl/jsp/soaprouter\.jsp"/>
<url dnsSuffix="localhost" urlRegEx="http://localhost:8080/nms/jsp/.*"/>
<url dnsSuffix="localhost" urlRegEx="http://localhost:8080/nl/jsp/.*"/>
<url dnsSuffix="localhost" urlRegEx="http://localhost:8080/xtk/jsp/.*"/>
<!-- Server jobs
parseLogsPeriod : Memory status refresh period of server processing (in ms) Default: 500 -->
<xtkJobs parseLogsPeriod="500"/>
<!-- Executes archiving operations in the background.
acquireLimit : Number of EMLs to process at the same time Default: 100
archivingType : Archiving strategy
args : Start-up parameters
autoStart : Automatic start Default: false
compressBatchSize : Max number of files in a compressed archive Default: 10000
compressionFormat : Compression format
expirationDelay : Number of days before unprocessed emails are archived Default: 2
initScript : ID of JavaScript to execute when starting the process
maxProcessMemoryAlertMb : Alert concerning the amount of RAM consumed (in Mb) by a given process Default: 1800
maxProcessMemoryWarningMb : Warning concerning the amount of RAM consumed (in Mb) by a given process Default: 1600
pollDelay : Delay (in seconds) between each update event Default: 60
processRestartTime : Time of the day when the process is automatically restarted Default: '06:00:00'
purgeArchivesDelay : Number of days before unprocessed emails are deleted Default: 7
runLevel : Priority at start Default: 10
smtpBccAddress :
smtpEnableTLS : Activates the delivery of emails in safe mode (STARTTLS/SMTPS) when supported by the remote server. Default: false
smtpRelayAddress : Comma-separated list of DNS names or IP addresses of SMTP relays to use.
smtpRelayPort : IP port of SMTP server. Default: 25 -->
<archiving acquireLimit="100" archivingType="" args="" autoStart="false" compressBatchSize="10000"
compressionFormat="" expirationDelay="2" initScript="" maxProcessMemoryAlertMb="1800"
maxProcessMemoryWarningMb="1600" pollDelay="60" processRestartTime="06:00:00"
purgeArchivesDelay="7" runLevel="10" smtpBccAddress="" smtpEnableTLS="false"
smtpRelayAddress="" smtpRelayPort="25"/>
<!-- Configuration of the inbound Email management module
args : Start-up parameters
autoStart : Automatic start Default: false
checkInstanceName : If true, the name of the Adobe Campaign instance contained in the Message-ID headers must be the same as the current instance. Default: true
defaultForwardAddress : Default email transfer address not processed by a rule.
errorForwardAddress : Default address used to transfer invalid Emails (bad MIME encoding).
ignoreSize : Is used to ignore the size of a message returned by POP3 servers. In this case, the module expects a '.' at the end of the messages. Default: false
inMailPeriodSec : Message queue polling frequency. Default: 5
initScript : ID of JavaScript to execute when starting the process
maxBroadLog : Defines the maximum number of log messages to keep in memory before updating the database. Default: 20
maxMsgPerSession : Maximum number of messages to read during POP3 session. Default: 200
maxProcessMemoryAlertMb : Alert concerning the amount of RAM consumed (in Mb) by a given process Default: 1800
maxProcessMemoryWarningMb : Warning concerning the amount of RAM consumed (in Mb) by a given process Default: 1600
maxSessionTTLSec : Maximum duration of message processing session Default: 100
popMailPeriodSec : POP3 polling period. Default: 300
popQueueSize : Queue size of read messages Default: 100
popTimeoutSec : Communication timeout with POP3 server. Default: 300
processRestartTime : Time of the day when the process is automatically restarted Default: '06:00:00'
reloadPeriodSec : Database reload frequency of accounts to be polled. Default: 600
runLevel : Priority at start Default: 10 -->
<inMail args="" autoStart="false" checkInstanceName="true" defaultForwardAddress=""
errorForwardAddress="" ignoreSize="false" inMailPeriodSec="5" initScript=""
maxBroadLog="20" maxMsgPerSession="200" maxProcessMemoryAlertMb="1800"
maxProcessMemoryWarningMb="1600" maxSessionTTLSec="100" popMailPeriodSec="300"
popQueueSize="100" popTimeoutSec="300" processRestartTime="06:00:00" reloadPeriodSec="600"
<!-- Dump of processed messages
dump : Save all inbound messages in text format. Default: false
msgPath : Message dump path. Default: '/tmp/inMail' -->
<msgDump dump="false" msgPath="/tmp/inMail"/>
<!-- Configuring the write daemon for inbound Interaction events
args : Start-up parameters
autoStart : Automatic start Default: false
callDataSize : Max. number of characters stored in the shared memory for call data Default: 0
initScript : ID of JavaScript to execute when starting the process
maxProcessMemoryAlertMb : Alert concerning the amount of RAM consumed (in Mb) by a given process Default: 1800
maxProcessMemoryWarningMb : Warning concerning the amount of RAM consumed (in Mb) by a given process Default: 1600
maxSharedEntries : Max. number of events stored in the shared memory. Default: 25000
nextOffersSize : Maximum number of eligible offers sorted right after propositions, to be stored for statistics Default: 0
processRestartTime : Time of the day when the process is automatically restarted Default: '06:00:00'
runLevel : Priority at start Default: 10
statsPeriod : Aggregation duration in seconds for the response time statistics. 0 means statistic storage was deactivated. Default: 600
targetKeySize : Max. number of characters stored in the shared memory for identifying individuals Default: 16 -->
<interactiond args="" autoStart="false" callDataSize="0" initScript="" maxProcessMemoryAlertMb="1800"
maxProcessMemoryWarningMb="1600" maxSharedEntries="25000" nextOffersSize="0"
processRestartTime="06:00:00" runLevel="10" statsPeriod="600" targetKeySize="16"/>
<!-- Configuration of delivery agents
args : Start-up parameters Default: '-tracefilter:nlmta'
autoStart : Automatic start Default: false
dataLogPath : If not empty, the path where all source files of sent emails will be saved.
debugPath : If not empty, copy MIME envelopes of sent mail messages in this directory. Used for trouble shooting.
dnsRequestLogDelayMs : Time in milliseconds to display the logs
errorPeriodSec : Time between generation of statistics and storage in the database. Default: 300
initScript : ID of JavaScript to execute when starting the process
logEmailErrors : Generate error statistics and store them in the database. Default: true
logLevel : Display level of log messages. Default: 2
maxMemoryMb : Maximum memory size (in MB) that an mta process can use. Above this limit, the process is re-started so that the memory it uses is released to the system. Default: 1024
maxProcessMemoryAlertMb : Alert concerning the amount of RAM consumed (in Mb) by a given process Default: 1800
maxProcessMemoryWarningMb : Warning concerning the amount of RAM consumed (in Mb) by a given process Default: 1600
minConnectionsToLog : Connection threshold to take into account Default: 100
minErrorsToLog : Error threshold to take into account Default: 1
minMessagesToLog : Message threshold to take into account Default: 1000
notifRelay : HostName:Port used to relay notifications
processRestartTime : Time of the day when the process is automatically restarted Default: '06:00:00'
purgeDataLogDelay : Number of days before archived emails in the directory specified in dataLogPath are purged. Default: 15
retryLostMessages : Parts of deliveries will be retried if the child process is dead Default: true
runLevel : Priority at start Default: 10
statServerAddress : Address of the delivery statistics server, given as <dns or ip>[:<port>]. If not defined, the default port is 7777.
statServerTLSSupport : Enables the TLS configurable by MX (requires an up-to-date statistics server) Default: true
statServerVersion : Communication protocol version (1 for a v5.11 and 6.0.2 server, 2 for a v6.1 server). If undefined, the latest version is used.
verifyMode : Activates the verify mode (no physical transmission of messages; used for simulation and tests). Default: false
workingPath : Location of temporary files used by the MTA to communicate with its child processes. Default: '$(XTK_INSTALL_DIR)/var/$(INSTANCE_NAME)/mta/'
xMailer : Value of field 'X-Mailer' in SMTP mail header. Default: 'nlserver, Build $(PRODUCT_VERSION)' -->
<mta args="-tracefilter:nlmta" autoStart="false" dataLogPath="" debugPath="" dnsRequestLogDelayMs=""
errorPeriodSec="300" initScript="" logEmailErrors="true" logLevel="2" maxMemoryMb="1024"
maxProcessMemoryAlertMb="1800" maxProcessMemoryWarningMb="1600" minConnectionsToLog="100"
minErrorsToLog="1" minMessagesToLog="1000" notifRelay="" processRestartTime="06:00:00"
purgeDataLogDelay="15" retryLostMessages="true" runLevel="10" statServerAddress=""
statServerTLSSupport="true" statServerVersion="" verifyMode="false" workingPath="$(XTK_INSTALL_DIR)/var/$(INSTANCE_NAME)/mta/"
xMailer="nlserver, Build $(PRODUCT_VERSION)">
<!-- Local file cache configuration
maxPeriodSec : Period, expressed in seconds, after which the file is automatically deleted from the cache to reclaim storage. Default: 244800
maxSizeOnDiskMb : Maximum cache size (Mb). Default: 1024
purgePeriodSec : Period in seconds between executions of the cache purge mechanism. Default: 3600 -->
<cache maxPeriodSec="244800" maxSizeOnDiskMb="1024" purgePeriodSec="3600"/>
<!-- Configuration of the mail server for the message delivery.
address : Comma-separated list of DNS names or IP addresses of SMTP relays to use.
port : IP port of SMTP server. Default: 25 -->
<relay address="" port="25"/>
<!-- Configuration of principal server
dataBasePoolPeriodSec : Database polling frequency of the jobs to be delivered. Default: 30
dataBaseRetryDelaySec : Waiting period after a database connection failure. Default: 60
domainKeysReloadPeriodSec : Validity period for the cache of private keys (DomainKeys). Default: 600
maxSpareServers : Maximum number of child servers. Default: 2
minSpareServers : Minimum number of child servers. Default: 0
startSpareServers : Number of child server at start-up. Default: 0 -->
<master dataBasePoolPeriodSec="30" dataBaseRetryDelaySec="60" domainKeysReloadPeriodSec="600"
maxSpareServers="2" minSpareServers="0" startSpareServers="0"/>
<!-- Configuration of child servers
extraArgs : Optional command line arguments
idleChildTimeoutSec : Timeout until idle child servers are stopped. Default: 60
maxAgeSec : Maximum message retention time. Default: 600
maxMsgPerChild : Maximum count of messages per child server. Default: 5000000
maxWaitingMessages : Maximum number of messages waiting in memory to be delivered. Default: 2000
maxWorkingSetMb : Maximum memory size (in MB) that a child process can use. Above this limit, the process is stopped so that the memory it uses is released to the system. Default: 128
soapConnectorTimeoutSec : Timeout (in seconds) after which a SOAP connection for a delivery connector is abandoned. Default: 600
startWithFirstMX : Always start with the highest priority MX Default: false
timeToLive : Maximum number of consecutive attempts when resumed. Default: 48 -->
<child extraArgs="" idleChildTimeoutSec="60" maxAgeSec="600" maxMsgPerChild="5000000"
maxWaitingMessages="2000" maxWorkingSetMb="128" soapConnectorTimeoutSec="600"
startWithFirstMX="false" timeToLive="48">
<!-- Configuration of SMTP sessions
enableTLS : Activates the delivery of emails in safe mode (STARTTLS/SMTPS) when supported by the remote server. Default: false
idleSessionTimeoutSec : Idle session timeout. Default: 5
initialDelaySec : Initial delay before retrying connection. This delay is doubled each time connection fails. Default: 4
maxSessionsPerChild : Maximum number of SMTP sessions by child server. Default: 1000 -->
<smtp enableTLS="false" idleSessionTimeoutSec="5" initialDelaySec="4" maxSessionsPerChild="1000">
<!-- Management of affinities with IP addresses for optimized outgoing SMTP traffic.
localDomain : Local domain name linked to the IP address. Used when issuing an SMTP HELO command.
name : Names linked to the affinity by users. Names are separated using semicolons; -->
<!-- IP : Outbound IP.
address : Associated physical address. Eg: ''
excludeDomains : Comma separated list of domain masks to exclude
heloHost : Computer name linked to the IP address. Used when issuing an SMTP HELO command.
includeDomains : Comma separated list of domain masks to include
publicId : Associated public address ID. Used as a key for the statistics server. Must be numeric.
weight : Specifies the frequency of use for this IP, relative to other IPs (bigger weights lead to higher frequencies). -->
useHTTPProxy : Use HTTP proxy defined in shared/proxyHTTP Default: false -->
<nmac useHTTPProxy="false">
<!-- Configuration to use a relay for the message delivery (connecteur ios http2).
address : DNS address or name of the relay to use.
port : Relay port. Default: 443
trustedCertsChain : Certificate chain (PEM file). Useful when using a mock server -->
<relay address="" port="443" trustedCertsChain=""/>
<!-- Event processing module for the Pipeline Services
appName : Name of the application generated in the Developer connection when the public key is saved.
args : Start-up parameters
authGatewayEndpoint : URL to obtain a gateway token Default: ''
authPrivateKey : Private key to obtain tokens (encrypted in AES with the XtkKey option)
autoStart : Automatic start Default: false
disableAuth : Connect to Pipeline Services without authentication.
discoverPipelineEndpoint : URL to discover the Pipeline Services URL Default: ''
dumpStatePeriodSec : Frequency that the process's internal information is saved in a file. Inactive if 0. Default: 0
forcedPipelineEndpoint : Force the listening URL of the Pipeline Services.
initScript : ID of JavaScript to execute when starting the process
maxProcessMemoryAlertMb : Alert concerning the amount of RAM consumed (in Mb) by a given process Default: 1800
maxProcessMemoryWarningMb : Warning concerning the amount of RAM consumed (in Mb) by a given process Default: 1600
monitorServerPort : HTTP server port allowing you to query the status of the process. Inactive if 0. Default: 7781
pointerFlushMessageCount : The pointer will be stored in the database every time that this number of messages are processed. Default: 1000
pointerFlushPeriodSec : The pointer will be stored in the database at least once during this period (useful in case of low activity). Default: 5
processRestartTime : Time of the day when the process is automatically restarted Default: '06:00:00'
processingJSThreads : Number of threads for event processing with a personalized JavaScript connector. Default: 4
processingThreads : Number of threads for event processing. Default: 4
retryPeriodSec : Delay between processing if there is a failure Default: 30
retryValiditySec : Abandon the event if the processing is still failing after this period. Default: 300
runLevel : Priority at start Default: 10 -->
<pipelined appName="" args="" authGatewayEndpoint="" authPrivateKey=""
autoStart="false" disableAuth="" discoverPipelineEndpoint=""
dumpStatePeriodSec="0" forcedPipelineEndpoint="" initScript="" maxProcessMemoryAlertMb="1800"
maxProcessMemoryWarningMb="1600" monitorServerPort="7781" pointerFlushMessageCount="1000"
pointerFlushPeriodSec="5" processRestartTime="06:00:00" processingJSThreads="4"
processingThreads="4" retryPeriodSec="30" retryValiditySec="300" runLevel="10"/>
<!-- Application option: Predictive Marketing.
kxenConfigFile : Default path and name of the KXEN configuration file, used when no path is specified in the predictive model.
url : Root URL of the server to invoke the datamining connectors. Default: 'http://localhost:8080' -->
<predictive kxenConfigFile="" url="http://localhost:8080"/>
<!-- Database repair module.
repairActionDelayMin : Delay (in minutes) after which delivery actions can be processed by the repair module. Default: 60 -->
<repair repairActionDelayMin="60"/>
<!-- Security zone
allowDebug : Authorize debug mode for Web applications Default: false
allowEmptyPassword : Authorize the user to use the application without a password Default: false
allowHTTP : Authorize the use of HTTP for operator logon Default: false
allowSQLInjection : Authorize the use of SQLDATA in expressions Default: false
allowUserPassword : Authorize user/password session tokens Default: false
label : Label Default: NewLabel()
name : Internal name Default: NewName()
sessionTokenOnly : Do not use the security token Default: false
showErrors : Display error details Default: false -->
<!-- subNetwork : Sub-network
label : Label Default: NewLabel()
mask : Mask or address
name : Internal name Default: NewName()
proxy : Mask or address of (reverse) proxy used by this sub-network to access the instance. In this case, the 'X-Forwarded-For' header will be tested instead of this proxy. Default: -->
<!-- securityZone :
<securityZone allowDebug="false" allowHTTP="false" allowSQLInjection="false" label="Public Network"
<subNetwork label="All addresses" mask="*" name="all" proxy=", ::1"/>
<securityZone allowDebug="true" allowHTTP="false" allowSQLInjection="false" label="Private Network (VPN)"
name="vpn" showErrors="true">
<securityZone allowDebug="true" allowEmptyPassword="false" allowHTTP="true"
allowSQLInjection="false" allowUserPassword="false" label="Private Network (LAN)"
name="lan" sessionTokenOnly="true" showErrors="true">
<subNetwork label="Lan 1" mask="" name="lan1" proxy=", ::1"/>
<subNetwork label="Lan 2" mask="" name="lan2" proxy=", ::1"/>
<subNetwork label="Lan 3" mask="" name="lan3" proxy=", ::1"/>
<subNetwork label="Localhost" mask="" name="localhost" proxy=", ::1"/>
<subNetwork label="Lan (IPv6)" mask="fc00::/7" name="lan6" proxy=", ::1"/>
<subNetwork label="Lan (IPv6)" mask="fe80::/10" name="lan6b" proxy=", ::1"/>
<subNetwork label="Localhost (IPv6)" mask="::1/128" name="localhost6" proxy=", ::1"/>
<!-- Configuration of the inbound SMS management module
args : Start-up parameters
autoStart : Automatic start Default: false
dataRetentionDays : Maximum number of days files working files kept by the SMPP connector. Default: 60
dataSizeMo : Maximum size in MB of the SMPP working files. Default: 512
initScript : ID of JavaScript to execute when starting the process
keepAlivePeriod : Max. period in seconds between two frames for notifying that the receiving session is still enabled Default: 25
maxProcessMemoryAlertMb : Alert concerning the amount of RAM consumed (in Mb) by a given process Default: 1800
maxProcessMemoryWarningMb : Warning concerning the amount of RAM consumed (in Mb) by a given process Default: 1600
pollPeriod : SMS account poll period. Default: 300
processRestartTime : Time of the day when the process is automatically restarted Default: '06:00:00'
reloadPeriod : Database reload frequency of accounts to be polled. Default: 600
runLevel : Priority at start Default: 10
srReadDelay : Only SRs with a recovery date earlier than the current time minus the duration in seconds given by srReadDelay. Default: 600
timeout : Communication timeout with SMS gateway. Default: 300 -->
<sms args="" autoStart="false" dataRetentionDays="60" dataSizeMo="512" initScript=""
keepAlivePeriod="25" maxProcessMemoryAlertMb="1800" maxProcessMemoryWarningMb="1600"
pollPeriod="300" processRestartTime="06:00:00" reloadPeriod="600" runLevel="10"
srReadDelay="600" timeout="300">
netsizeConnectionTimeout : Timeout in seconds when establishing a connection with Netsize Default: 30 -->
<netsize netsizeConnectionTimeout="30"/>
<!-- MTA statistics module
args : Start-up parameters
autoStart : Automatic start Default: false
initScript : ID of JavaScript to execute when starting the process
maxProcessMemoryAlertMb : Alert concerning the amount of RAM consumed (in Mb) by a given process Default: 1800
maxProcessMemoryWarningMb : Warning concerning the amount of RAM consumed (in Mb) by a given process Default: 1600
port : Server listening port
processRestartTime : Time of the day when the process is automatically restarted Default: '06:00:00'
runLevel : Priority at start Default: 10 -->
<stat args="" autoStart="false" initScript="" maxProcessMemoryAlertMb="1800" maxProcessMemoryWarningMb="1600"
port="" processRestartTime="06:00:00" runLevel="10"/>
<!-- Log management module.
args : Start-up parameters
autoStart : Automatic start Default: false
initScript : ID of JavaScript to execute when starting the process
maxFileSizeMb : Maximum size in Mb for a log file Default: 10
maxProcessMemoryAlertMb : Alert concerning the amount of RAM consumed (in Mb) by a given process Default: 1800
maxProcessMemoryWarningMb : Warning concerning the amount of RAM consumed (in Mb) by a given process Default: 1600
processRestartTime : Time of the day when the process is automatically restarted Default: '06:00:00'
runLevel : Priority at start Default: 10 -->
<syslogd args="" autoStart="false" initScript="" maxFileSizeMb="10" maxProcessMemoryAlertMb="1800"
maxProcessMemoryWarningMb="1600" processRestartTime="06:00:00" runLevel="10"/>
<!-- Configuration of the tracking server
args : Start-up parameters
autoStart : Automatic start Default: false
consolidationPeriodSec : Consolidation period Default: 300
dedupOpenPeriodMin : Remove duplicate open tracking logs to limit the effects of mail previews in mail readers like Outlook. Default: 1
errorIgnorePercent : Do not update tracking indicators as long as the ratio of journals not already taken into account does not reach this value. Default: 1
errorIgnorePeriod : Maximum duration before error indicators are recomputed. Default: 86400
indicatorsDuration : Duration after the validity date of a delivery after which consolidated indicators are no longer computed Default: 2592000
initScript : ID of JavaScript to execute when starting the process
logCountPerRequest : Number of logs requested by call to the remote tracking server Default: 1000
maxProcessMemoryAlertMb : Alert concerning the amount of RAM consumed (in Mb) by a given process Default: 1800
maxProcessMemoryWarningMb : Warning concerning the amount of RAM consumed (in Mb) by a given process Default: 1600
processRestartTime : Time of the day when the process is automatically restarted Default: '06:00:00'
runLevel : Priority at start Default: 10
trackingIgnorePercent : Do not update tracking indicators as long as the ratio of journals not already taken into account does not reach this value. Default: 1
trackingIgnorePeriod : Maximum duration before tracking indicators are recomputed. Default: 86400
userAgentCacheSize : Size of browser identifier cache. Default: 500 -->
<tracking args="" autoStart="false" consolidationPeriodSec="300" dedupOpenPeriodMin="1"
errorIgnorePercent="1" errorIgnorePeriod="86400" indicatorsDuration="2592000"
initScript="" logCountPerRequest="1000" maxProcessMemoryAlertMb="1800"
maxProcessMemoryWarningMb="1600" processRestartTime="06:00:00" runLevel="10"
trackingIgnorePercent="1" trackingIgnorePeriod="86400" userAgentCacheSize="500"/>
<!-- Configuration of the tracking log writing daemon
args : Start-up parameters
autoStart : Automatic start Default: false
initScript : ID of JavaScript to execute when starting the process
maxCreateFileRetry : Maximum number of files that can be created in case of writing failure in log files. Default: 5
maxLogsSizeOnDiskMb : Maximum space used by logs on disk (in MB). May not be less than 100 MB. Default: 500
maxProcessMemoryAlertMb : Alert concerning the amount of RAM consumed (in Mb) by a given process Default: 1800
maxProcessMemoryWarningMb : Warning concerning the amount of RAM consumed (in Mb) by a given process Default: 1600
maxSharedLogs : Maximum number of logs stored in shared memory. Cannot be less than 10000. Default: 25000
processRestartTime : Time of the day when the process is automatically restarted Default: '06:00:00'
purgeLogsPeriod : Number of logs inserted before starting the purge of log files. May not be lower than 50000. Default: 50000
runLevel : Priority at start Default: 10
webTrackingParamSize : Maximum number of characters saved in shared memory for extra web tracking parameters Default: 64 -->
<trackinglogd args="" autoStart="false" initScript="" maxCreateFileRetry="5" maxLogsSizeOnDiskMb="500"
maxProcessMemoryAlertMb="1800" maxProcessMemoryWarningMb="1600" maxSharedLogs="25000"
processRestartTime="06:00:00" purgeLogsPeriod="50000" runLevel="10"
<!-- Configuration of the Web Module
JVMOptions : Options of the JVM passed as a string. Default:
MaxThreads : Maximum number of threads. Default: 75
MinSpareThreads : Minimum number of threads. Default: 5
args : Start-up parameters
autoStart : Automatic start Default: false
controlPort : Tomcat listening control port Default: 8005
httpPort : Tomcat HTTP listening port Default: 8080
initScript : ID of JavaScript to execute when starting the process
maxDeliveryQueueSize : Maximum number of SubmitDelivery SOAP calls that can be queued. Default: 50
maxProcessMemoryAlertMb : Alert concerning the amount of RAM consumed (in Mb) by a given process Default: 1800
maxProcessMemoryWarningMb : Warning concerning the amount of RAM consumed (in Mb) by a given process Default: 1600
notifRelay : HostName:Port enabling relay of notifications
processRestartTime : Time of the day when the process is automatically restarted Default: '06:00:00'
runLevel : Priority at start Default: 10
startSoapRouterInModule : Start the SOAP router in module mode. Default: false -->
<web JVMOptions="" MaxThreads="75" MinSpareThreads="5" args="" autoStart="false"
controlPort="8005" httpPort="8080" initScript="" maxDeliveryQueueSize="50"
maxProcessMemoryAlertMb="1800" maxProcessMemoryWarningMb="1600" notifRelay=""
processRestartTime="06:00:00" runLevel="10" startSoapRouterInModule="false">
<!-- Parameters used by the JSPs
debug : Execution of JSP in debug mode or not
downloadPath : Download path of installation programs for the client consoles. Default: '$(XTK_INSTALL_DIR)/datakit/nl/fra/jsp'
foFileName : Path of .fo file.
soapRouter : URL of SOAP router (http://myserver/xxx, http://jni or mailto:xxx) Default: 'http://jni' -->
<jsp debug="" downloadPath="$(XTK_INSTALL_DIR)/datakit/nl/fra/jsp" foFileName=""
<!-- Class Path to use when starting JVM
<!-- Parameters used by the JSSPs
collectsGarbageAfterRequest : Enables the garbage collector of the JavaScript context after each query. Default: true
timeToLive : Maximum number of pages served by a JavaScript context. Default: 1000 -->
<jssp collectsGarbageAfterRequest="true" timeToLive="1000"/>
<!-- Relay for HTTP requests between two zones
debugRelay : Start the HTTP relay module within the Web server in debug mode Default: false
forbiddenCharsInAuthority : List of forbidden characters in the 'authority' section of a URI Default: '.?#@/:'
forbiddenCharsInPath : List of forbidden characters in the 'path' section of a URI Default: '?#/'
modDir : List of files to be used during a query on a folder Default: 'index.html'
startRelay : Start the HTTP relay module Default: false
startRelayInModule : Start the HTTP relay module within the Web server. Default: true
timeout : Wait time before deleting banned url Default: '60' -->
<relay debugRelay="false" forbiddenCharsInAuthority=".?#@/:" forbiddenCharsInPath="?#/"
modDir="index.html" startRelay="false" startRelayInModule="true" timeout="60">
<!-- List of URLs to relay (insert order defines priority).
IPMask : Comma separated list of source IP addresses allowed to used the relay for this mask
deny : Deny access to these URLs (return an HTTP 403 error)
hostMask : Comma separated list of DNS alias masks to relay (ex: '*').
httpAllowed : Http access authorized no matter what the security zone (like webApps)
relayHost : use the HTTP 'Host' header of the original request when relaying.
relayPath : Append the complete path of the URLs to relay to the URL of the target page.
status : Url status for synchronization (blacklist, spare, normal)
targetUrl : URL of the target page.
timeout : Maximum execution time (in seconds) of the request being relayed
urlPath : Mask of URLs to relay (ex: '/nl*', '*.jsp'). -->
<url IPMask="" deny="" hostMask="" relayHost="true" relayPath="true" status="normal"
targetUrl="http://localhost:7781" timeout="" urlPath="/pipelined/*"/>
<url IPMask="" deny="" hostMask="" httpAllowed="false" relayHost="true" relayPath="true"
status="normal" targetUrl="http://localhost:8080" timeout="" urlPath="/view/*"/>
<url IPMask="" deny="true" hostMask="" httpAllowed="false" relayHost="true"
relayPath="true" status="normal" targetUrl="http://localhost:8080" timeout=""
<url IPMask="" deny="true" hostMask="" httpAllowed="false" relayHost="true"
relayPath="true" status="normal" targetUrl="http://localhost:8080" timeout=""
<url IPMask="" deny="" hostMask="" httpAllowed="true" relayHost="true" relayPath="true"
status="normal" targetUrl="http://localhost:8080" timeout="" urlPath="*/sc.jssp"/>
<url IPMask="" deny="" hostMask="" httpAllowed="true" relayHost="true" relayPath="true"
status="normal" targetUrl="http://localhost:8080" timeout="" urlPath="*/interactionProposal.jssp"/>
<url IPMask="" deny="" hostMask="" httpAllowed="true" relayHost="true" relayPath="true"
status="normal" targetUrl="http://localhost:8080" timeout="" urlPath="*/zoneJson.jssp"/>
<url IPMask="" deny="" hostMask="" httpAllowed="true" relayHost="true" relayPath="true"
status="normal" targetUrl="http://localhost:8080" timeout="" urlPath="/nms/jsp/barcode.jsp"/>
<url IPMask="" deny="" hostMask="" httpAllowed="true" relayHost="true" relayPath="true"
status="normal" targetUrl="http://localhost:8080" timeout="" urlPath="/nms/jsp/captcha.jsp"/>
<url IPMask="" deny="" hostMask="" httpAllowed="true" relayHost="true" relayPath="true"
status="normal" targetUrl="http://localhost:8080" timeout="" urlPath="/nms/jsp/webForm.jsp"/>
<url IPMask="" deny="" hostMask="" httpAllowed="true" relayHost="true" relayPath="true"
status="normal" targetUrl="http://localhost:8080" timeout="" urlPath="/xtk/jsp/zoneinfo.jsp"/>
<url IPMask="" deny="" hostMask="" httpAllowed="true" relayHost="true" relayPath="true"
status="normal" targetUrl="http://localhost:8080" timeout="" urlPath="*/facebookCallback.jssp"/>
<url IPMask="" deny="" hostMask="" httpAllowed="true" relayHost="true" relayPath="true"
status="normal" targetUrl="http://localhost:8080" timeout="" urlPath="/nl/jsp/m.jsp"/>
<url IPMask="" deny="" hostMask="" httpAllowed="true" relayHost="true" relayPath="true"
status="normal" targetUrl="http://localhost:8080" timeout="" urlPath="/nl/jsp/s.jsp"/>
<url IPMask="" deny="" hostMask="" httpAllowed="false" relayHost="true" relayPath="true"
status="blacklist" targetUrl="http://localhost:8080" timeout="" urlPath="/nms/jsp/*.jsp"/>
<url IPMask="" deny="" hostMask="" httpAllowed="false" relayHost="true" relayPath="true"
status="blacklist" targetUrl="http://localhost:8080" timeout="" urlPath="/xtk/jsp/*.jsp"/>
<url IPMask="" deny="" hostMask="" httpAllowed="false" relayHost="true" relayPath="true"
status="blacklist" targetUrl="http://localhost:8080" timeout="" urlPath="/nl/jsp/*.jsp"/>
<url IPMask="" deny="" hostMask="" httpAllowed="false" relayHost="true" relayPath="true"
status="blacklist" targetUrl="http://localhost:8080" timeout="" urlPath="*.jssp"/>
<url IPMask="" deny="" hostMask="" httpAllowed="true" relayHost="true" relayPath="true"
status="blacklist" targetUrl="http://localhost:8080" timeout="" urlPath="/webApp/*"/>
<url IPMask="" deny="" hostMask="" httpAllowed="false" relayHost="true" relayPath="true"
status="blacklist" targetUrl="http://localhost:8080" timeout="" urlPath="/report/*"/>
<url IPMask="" deny="" hostMask="" httpAllowed="false" relayHost="true" relayPath="true"
status="blacklist" targetUrl="http://localhost:8080" timeout="" urlPath="/jssp/*"/>
<url IPMask="" deny="" hostMask="" httpAllowed="false" relayHost="true" relayPath="true"
status="normal" targetUrl="http://localhost:8080" timeout="" urlPath="/strings/*"/>
<url IPMask="" deny="" hostMask="" httpAllowed="true" relayHost="true" relayPath="true"
status="normal" targetUrl="http://localhost:8080" timeout="" urlPath="/interaction/*"/>
<url IPMask="" deny="" hostMask="" httpAllowed="true" relayHost="true" relayPath="true"
status="normal" targetUrl="http://localhost:8080" timeout="" urlPath="/barcode/*"/>
<url IPMask="" deny="" hostMask="" httpAllowed="true" relayHost="true" relayPath="true"
status="normal" targetUrl="http://localhost:8080" timeout="" urlPath="/lineImage/*"/>
<url IPMask="" deny="" hostMask="" httpAllowed="true" relayHost="false" relayPath="false"
status="spare" targetUrl="" timeout="" urlPath="/favicon.*"/>
<url IPMask="" deny="" hostMask="" httpAllowed="true" relayHost="false" relayPath="false"
status="spare" targetUrl="" timeout="" urlPath="/*.html"/>
<url IPMask="" deny="" hostMask="" httpAllowed="true" relayHost="false" relayPath="false"
status="spare" targetUrl="" timeout="" urlPath="/*.png"/>
<url IPMask="" deny="" hostMask="" httpAllowed="true" relayHost="false" relayPath="false"
status="spare" targetUrl="" timeout="" urlPath="/*.jpg"/>
<!-- List of HTTP headers to add to replies forwarded to the relay.
name : Header name Default:
value : Header value Default: -->
<responseHeader name="X-XSS-Protection" value="1; mode=block"/>
<!-- Configuration of the redirection module
IMSOrgId : Unique organization identifier within the Adobe Marketing Cloud, used in particular for the VisitorID service and the IMS SSO.
P3PCompactPolicy : Value describing the policy used for permanent cookies (compliant with the P3P Compact Policy format). Default: 'CAO DSP COR CURa DEVa TAIa OUR BUS IND UNI COM NAV'
databaseId : Database identifier associated with the tracking instance
defLogCount : Number of logs returned by default upon a call of method GetTrackingLogs Default: 30
expirationURL : URL of Web page used by default by the redirection server when redirection for a delivery action has expired.
maxJobsInCache : Maximum number of delivery actions in cache. May not be lower than 50. Default: 100
startRedirection : Start the redirection service. Default: true
startRedirectionInModule : Start the redirection service in module mode. Default: true
trackWebVisitors : Creation of logs for the pages visited by unknown users. Default: false
trackingPassword : Password used by the redirection server -->
<redirection IMSOrgId="" P3PCompactPolicy="CAO DSP COR CURa DEVa TAIa OUR BUS IND UNI COM NAV"
databaseId="" defLogCount="30" expirationURL="" maxJobsInCache="100"
startRedirection="true" startRedirectionInModule="true" trackWebVisitors="false"
enabledIf : The tracking server is taken into account if the expression returns true
id : Name Default: 1
url : Extra redirection server URL -->
<spareServer enabledIf="" id="1" url=""/>
<!-- Email anti-spam scoring evaluation parameters
command : Command to execute to evaluate the anti-spam score of an email (e.g. 'perl') Default: '' -->
<spamCheck command=""/>
<!-- Workflow process configuration
affinity : Affinity Default:
args : Start-up parameters
autoStart : Automatic start Default: false
dataBasePoolPeriodSec : Period Default: 20
initScript : ID of JavaScript to execute when starting the process
maxProcessMemoryAlertMb : Alert concerning the amount of RAM consumed (in Mb) by a given process Default: 1800
maxProcessMemoryWarningMb : Warning concerning the amount of RAM consumed (in Mb) by a given process Default: 1600
notifRelay : HostName:Port enabling relay of notifications
processRestartTime : Time of the day when the process is automatically restarted Default: '06:00:00'
runLevel : Priority at start Default: 10 -->
<wfserver affinity="" args="" autoStart="false" dataBasePoolPeriodSec="20" initScript=""
maxProcessMemoryAlertMb="1800" maxProcessMemoryWarningMb="1600" notifRelay=""
processRestartTime="06:00:00" runLevel="10"/>