Use quick and reliable Adobe Campaign methods such as NLWS.nmsDelivery.load("12435"), NLWS.nmsRecipient.create({ firstName:"John" }) and build complex XML E4X queries to go in details!

Entity Schema static methods

Load, save, create in E4X

// get via @id and save
var delivery = NLWS.nmsDelivery.load("12435")
delivery.label = "New label"

// create via JSON, edit via JS and save
var recipient = NLWS.nmsRecipient.create({x:{ // the key 'x' doesn't matter
  email: 'a@a.a',
recipient.folder_id = 1183;
recipient.firstName = 'John';
recipient.lastName = 'Doe';;

// create via XML-E4X and save
var recipient = NLWS.nmsRecipient.create(<recipient
  email = ""
  lastName = "Neolane"
  firstName = "Support"

Get with JSON

var email = "";
var query = NLWS.xtkQueryDef.create({queryDef: {
  schema: "nms:recipient", operation: "get", // "get" does a SQL "LIMIT 1"
  select: { node: [{expr: "@id"}] }, // get @id only
  where: { 
    condition: [
      {expr: "@email = '"+email+"'"}, // filter by email
      {expr: "@firstName LIKE '%"+name+"%'"}, // and first name
    orderBy: { node: [{expr:"@lastModified", sortDesc:"true"}] }, // ORDER BY lastModified DESC
var res = query.ExecuteQuery(); // @throw Exception if the recipient doesn't exist, use operation:"getIfExists" if recipient may not exist
// res is an XML object such as <recipient id="1234"/>
var recipient = NLWS.nmsRecipient.load(res.$id); // conversion to a Javascript object = null;;

SQL Insert into helper

var fields = {
  'sFirstName': vFirstName,
  'sLastName': vLastName,
var log = false;
insertInto(vars.tableName, fields, log);

See my Adobe Campaign helpers (SQL, string, XML, linux..)

Select multiple with where and orderBy

Base query to get all Deliveries BUT Proofs BEFORE the beginning of the month, MAXIMUM 3 results:

var q = NLWS.xtkQueryDef.create(
  <queryDef schema="nms:delivery" operation="select" lineCount="3">
      <node expr="@id"/>
      <node expr="@label"/>
      <condition expr="@label NOT LIKE '%Proof%'" bool-operator="AND"/>
      <condition expr="@created <= '2018-08-01'" bool-operator="AND"/>
      <node expr="@lastModified" sortDesc="true"/>
var deliveries = q.ExecuteQuery()
for each(var delivery in{

Select raw data from workflow transition

Plug a query into a javascript activity, then in the JS, retrieve the results. Useful for DQM with JS functions.

With JSON and queryDef using vars.targetSchema (on a nms:recipient schema Query, to clean email addresses):

var query = NLWS.xtkQueryDef.create({queryDef: {
  schema: vars.targetSchema, operation: 'select', lineCount: 999999999, // /!\ lineCount defaults to 10,000
  select: { node: [
    {expr: '@id'},
    {expr: '@email'},
var records = query.ExecuteQuery(); // DOMElement

for each(var record in records.getElements()){
  var cleanedEmail = record.$email.replace(/\s+/g, '').toLowerCase();
  sqlExec("UPDATE "+vars.tableName+" SET sEmail=$(sz) WHERE iId=$(l)", cleanedEmail, record.$id);

To avoid SQL injections, use bound parameters with $(). Types and doc can be found on the online doc for sqlExec.

See this queryDef in action in the Monitor your paused workflows business case.

With Raw SQL table vars.tableName:

var xml = sqlSelect("collection,@id", "SELECT iId as id FROM "+vars.tableName); // <select><collection id="1"/><collection id="2"/></select>
logInfo(xml.toXMLString());// "<select><collection id="1"/><collection id="2"/></select>"
for each(var record in xml.collection){
  logInfo('id:'+record.@id); // "id: 1" "id: 2"
  // if the query was based on nms:recipient, retrieve the JS recipient with:
  var recipient = NLWS.nmsRecipient.load(record.@id);
  recipient.lastName = recipient.lastName.toUpperCase();;

Distribution of values

Get the distribution of the field β€˜@countryCode’ for all Recipients:

 * @class DistributionOfValues
 * @param schema string
 * @param field string
function DistributionOfValues(schema, field){
  this.queryDef = {
    operation: 'select', lineCount: 200, schema: schema,
    select: {node:[
      {alias: '@expr', expr: field, groupBy: 'true', noSqlBind: 'true'},
      {alias: '@count', expr: 'COUNT()', label: 'Count'},
    orderBy: {node: [
      {expr: 'COUNT()', sortDesc: 'true'},
   * @return an XML list
  this.get = function(){
    this.results = NLWS.xtkQueryDef.create({queryDef:this.queryDef}).ExecuteQuery();
    return this.results.getElements();

var d = new DistributionOfValues('nms:recipient', '[location/@countryCode]');
// ability to edit the query at this point
d.queryDef.where = {condition: [
  {expr: 'DateOnly(@created) = #2019-08-26#'},
// get
for each(var result in d.get()){
  logInfo(result.$expr + ': ' + result.$count);


FR: 999
UK: 50
US: 1


jobCount = NLWS.xtkQueryDef.create(
  <queryDef schema="nms:remaHypothesis" operation="get">
      <node expr="Count(@id)" alias="@count"/>
      <condition expr={"@status="+HYPOTHESIS_STATUS_RUNNING}/>

iJobCount = iJobCount + parseInt(jobCount.ExecuteQuery().@count)

Multiple WHERE…AND in 1 condition / count() / countDistinct()

var xmlQuery = <queryDef schema="nms:trackingLogRcp" operation="select" lineCount="1000000">
    <node expr="DateOnly(@logDate)" groupBy="1"/>
    <node expr="@userAgent" groupBy="1"/>
    <node expr="count(@id)"/>
    <node expr="countDistinct([@broadLog-id])"/>
    <condition expr={"@logDate IS NOT NULL and @logDate < #" + today + "# and [@url-id] <> 1"}/>

Construct a where step by step

Append a Where condition / date Format.toISO8601

  xmlQuery.where.appendChild(<condition expr={"@logDate >= #" + Format.toISO8601(lastConsolidation) + "#"}/>)
var result = NLWS.xtkQueryDef.create(xmlQuery).ExecuteQuery()

Append a where to an empty <where/>

// fill select from loop
var select = <select/>;
for each( var targetKey in space.targetKey ){
  select.appendChild(<node expr={xpath} alias={"@tmp" + j}/>);

// fill where from loop
var where = <where/>
for( var i=0; i < aPKXPaths.length; i++ ) {
  where.appendChild(<condition expr={aPKXPaths[i] + "=" + keyValue}/>)

// create query
var xmlQryKeys = <queryDef operation="get" schema={strTargetSchema}/>;

Batch delivery update

Plug a nms:delivery query to a JS code with:

var query = NLWS.xtkQueryDef.create({queryDef: {
  schema: vars.targetSchema, operation: 'select', lineCount: 999999999, // /!\ lineCount defaults to 10,000
  select: { node: [
    {expr: '@id'},
var records = query.ExecuteQuery(); // DOMElement

for each(var record in records.getElements()){
  var delivery = NLWS.nmsDelivery.load(record.$id);
  var oldLabel = delivery.label.toString();
  var newLabel = oldLabel.replace(/XXX/, 'AAA').replace(/\s/g, '_');
  logInfo(':', oldLabel, '=>', newLabel);
  delivery.label = newLabel;
  delivery.scenario.labelScript = newLabel + '_<%= formatDate(new Date(), "%4Y%2M") %>';;

Raw SQL code execution

instance.engine / exec with parameters / date Format.parseDateTimeInter

var dbEngine = instance.engine
dbEngine.exec("UPDATE NmsUserAgentStats SET iVisitorsOfTheDay="
  + record.@visitors + " WHERE tsDate = $(dt)", Format.parseDateTimeInter(record.@date.toString()))

queryDef Documentation

      expr: '',
      xpath: '',
      internalId: '', // auto-generated via default="Gid()"
      boolOperator: 'AND|OR', // enum xtk:queryDef:boolOperator
      setOperator: 'EXISTS|NOT EXISTS|COUNT|SUM|AVG|MIN|MAX|IN|NOT IN', // enum xtk:queryDef:setOperator
      ignore: true|false, // Ignore condition
      compositeKey: '',
      dependkey: '',
      enabledIf: '', // Enabling script
      noSqlBind: true|false, // No SQL binding on expression constants
      sql: '', // Native SQL expression
      aliasSqlTable: '', // Table Alias in the FROM clause
      'filter-name': '', // Name of the predefined filter
      filterLabel: '', // Predefined filter label