Use quick and reliable Adobe Campaign methods such as NLWS.nmsDelivery.load("12435")
, NLWS.nmsRecipient.create({ firstName:"John" })
and build complex XML E4X queries to go in details!
Entity Schema static methods
Load, save, create in E4X
// get via @id and save
var delivery = NLWS.nmsDelivery.load("12435")
delivery.label = "New label"
// create via JSON, edit via JS and save
var recipient = NLWS.nmsRecipient.create({x:{ // the key 'x' doesn't matter
email: 'a@a.a',
recipient.folder_id = 1183;
recipient.firstName = 'John';
recipient.lastName = 'Doe';;
// create via XML-E4X and save
var recipient = NLWS.nmsRecipient.create(<recipient
email = ""
lastName = "Neolane"
firstName = "Support"
Get with JSON
var email = "";
var query = NLWS.xtkQueryDef.create({queryDef: {
schema: "nms:recipient", operation: "get", // "get" does a SQL "LIMIT 1"
select: { node: [{expr: "@id"}] }, // get @id only
where: {
condition: [
{expr: "@email = '"+email+"'"}, // filter by email
{expr: "@firstName LIKE '%"+name+"%'"}, // and first name
orderBy: { node: [{expr:"@lastModified", sortDesc:"true"}] }, // ORDER BY lastModified DESC
var res = query.ExecuteQuery(); // @throw Exception if the recipient doesn't exist, use operation:"getIfExists" if recipient may not exist
// res is an XML object such as <recipient id="1234"/>
var recipient = NLWS.nmsRecipient.load(res.$id); // conversion to a Javascript object = null;;
SQL Insert into helper
var fields = {
'sFirstName': vFirstName,
'sLastName': vLastName,
var log = false;
insertInto(vars.tableName, fields, log);
See my Adobe Campaign helpers (SQL, string, XML, linux..)
Select multiple with where
and orderBy
Base query to get all Deliveries BUT Proofs BEFORE the beginning of the month, MAXIMUM 3 results:
var q = NLWS.xtkQueryDef.create(
<queryDef schema="nms:delivery" operation="select" lineCount="3">
<node expr="@id"/>
<node expr="@label"/>
<condition expr="@label NOT LIKE '%Proof%'" bool-operator="AND"/>
<condition expr="@created <= '2018-08-01'" bool-operator="AND"/>
<node expr="@lastModified" sortDesc="true"/>
var deliveries = q.ExecuteQuery()
for each(var delivery in{
Select raw data from workflow transition
Plug a query
into a javascript
activity, then in the JS, retrieve the results. Useful for DQM with JS functions.
With JSON and queryDef using vars.targetSchema
(on a nms:recipient
schema Query, to clean email addresses):
var query = NLWS.xtkQueryDef.create({queryDef: {
schema: vars.targetSchema, operation: 'select', lineCount: 999999999, // /!\ lineCount defaults to 10,000
select: { node: [
{expr: '@id'},
{expr: '@email'},
var records = query.ExecuteQuery(); // DOMElement
for each(var record in records.getElements()){
var cleanedEmail = record.$email.replace(/\s+/g, '').toLowerCase();
sqlExec("UPDATE "+vars.tableName+" SET sEmail=$(sz) WHERE iId=$(l)", cleanedEmail, record.$id);
To avoid SQL injections, use bound parameters with $(). Types and doc can be found on the online doc for sqlExec.
See this queryDef in action in the Monitor your paused workflows business case.
With Raw SQL table vars.tableName
var xml = sqlSelect("collection,@id", "SELECT iId as id FROM "+vars.tableName); // <select><collection id="1"/><collection id="2"/></select>
logInfo(xml.toXMLString());// "<select><collection id="1"/><collection id="2"/></select>"
for each(var record in xml.collection){
logInfo('id:'+record.@id); // "id: 1" "id: 2"
// if the query was based on nms:recipient, retrieve the JS recipient with:
var recipient = NLWS.nmsRecipient.load(record.@id);
recipient.lastName = recipient.lastName.toUpperCase();;
Distribution of values
Get the distribution of the field β@countryCodeβ for all Recipients:
* @class DistributionOfValues
* @param schema string
* @param field string
function DistributionOfValues(schema, field){
this.queryDef = {
operation: 'select', lineCount: 200, schema: schema,
select: {node:[
{alias: '@expr', expr: field, groupBy: 'true', noSqlBind: 'true'},
{alias: '@count', expr: 'COUNT()', label: 'Count'},
orderBy: {node: [
{expr: 'COUNT()', sortDesc: 'true'},
* @return an XML list
this.get = function(){
this.results = NLWS.xtkQueryDef.create({queryDef:this.queryDef}).ExecuteQuery();
return this.results.getElements();
var d = new DistributionOfValues('nms:recipient', '[location/@countryCode]');
// ability to edit the query at this point
d.queryDef.where = {condition: [
{expr: 'DateOnly(@created) = #2019-08-26#'},
// get
for each(var result in d.get()){
logInfo(result.$expr + ': ' + result.$count);
FR: 999
UK: 50
US: 1
jobCount = NLWS.xtkQueryDef.create(
<queryDef schema="nms:remaHypothesis" operation="get">
<node expr="Count(@id)" alias="@count"/>
<condition expr={"@status="+HYPOTHESIS_STATUS_RUNNING}/>
iJobCount = iJobCount + parseInt(jobCount.ExecuteQuery().@count)
Multiple WHEREβ¦AND in 1 condition / count() / countDistinct()
var xmlQuery = <queryDef schema="nms:trackingLogRcp" operation="select" lineCount="1000000">
<node expr="DateOnly(@logDate)" groupBy="1"/>
<node expr="@userAgent" groupBy="1"/>
<node expr="count(@id)"/>
<node expr="countDistinct([@broadLog-id])"/>
<condition expr={"@logDate IS NOT NULL and @logDate < #" + today + "# and [@url-id] <> 1"}/>
Construct a where step by step
Append a Where condition / date Format.toISO8601
xmlQuery.where.appendChild(<condition expr={"@logDate >= #" + Format.toISO8601(lastConsolidation) + "#"}/>)
var result = NLWS.xtkQueryDef.create(xmlQuery).ExecuteQuery()
Append a where
to an empty <where/>
// fill select from loop
var select = <select/>;
for each( var targetKey in space.targetKey ){
select.appendChild(<node expr={xpath} alias={"@tmp" + j}/>);
// fill where from loop
var where = <where/>
for( var i=0; i < aPKXPaths.length; i++ ) {
where.appendChild(<condition expr={aPKXPaths[i] + "=" + keyValue}/>)
// create query
var xmlQryKeys = <queryDef operation="get" schema={strTargetSchema}/>;
Batch delivery update
Plug a nms:delivery query to a JS code with:
var query = NLWS.xtkQueryDef.create({queryDef: {
schema: vars.targetSchema, operation: 'select', lineCount: 999999999, // /!\ lineCount defaults to 10,000
select: { node: [
{expr: '@id'},
var records = query.ExecuteQuery(); // DOMElement
for each(var record in records.getElements()){
var delivery = NLWS.nmsDelivery.load(record.$id);
var oldLabel = delivery.label.toString();
var newLabel = oldLabel.replace(/XXX/, 'AAA').replace(/\s/g, '_');
logInfo(':', oldLabel, '=>', newLabel);
delivery.label = newLabel;
delivery.scenario.labelScript = newLabel + '_<%= formatDate(new Date(), "%4Y%2M") %>';;
Raw SQL code execution
instance.engine / exec with parameters / date Format.parseDateTimeInter
var dbEngine = instance.engine
dbEngine.exec("UPDATE NmsUserAgentStats SET iVisitorsOfTheDay="
+ record.@visitors + " WHERE tsDate = $(dt)", Format.parseDateTimeInter(record.@date.toString()))
queryDef Documentation
expr: '',
xpath: '',
internalId: '', // auto-generated via default="Gid()"
boolOperator: 'AND|OR', // enum xtk:queryDef:boolOperator
setOperator: 'EXISTS|NOT EXISTS|COUNT|SUM|AVG|MIN|MAX|IN|NOT IN', // enum xtk:queryDef:setOperator
ignore: true|false, // Ignore condition
compositeKey: '',
dependkey: '',
enabledIf: '', // Enabling script
noSqlBind: true|false, // No SQL binding on expression constants
sql: '', // Native SQL expression
aliasSqlTable: '', // Table Alias in the FROM clause
'filter-name': '', // Name of the predefined filter
filterLabel: '', // Predefined filter label