Setting up and running Adobe Campaign Classic on a Windows 11 machine significantly facilitates the development process. In this guide, the installation steps will be outlined to simplify the development process on a local computer.


Adobe Campaign Classic v7 running workflows on Windows 11

From the Adobe Campaign compatibility matrix


  • Windows with Administrator rights (for Java JDK, PostgreSQL and Adobe Campaign Classic server)


Install Java JDK 11

Install, then add to user PATH β€œEdit environment variables for your account”:

C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11\bin

Install PostgreSQL 14

Install, then add to user PATH β€œEdit environment variables for your account”:

C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\14\bin

Install Adobe Campaign Classic Server v7

    • 7.3.4 - build 9364 - Windows - GENERAL AVAILABILITY
      • (91 MB)

Unzip, then run 7.0.9364\setup.exe.

Add to user PATH β€œEdit environment variables for your account”:

C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Campaign Classic v7\bin

Install Adobe Campaign Classic Console

Run 7.0.9364\setup-client-7.0.9364.exe

Check installation

Verify Adobe Campaign dependencies installation

Powershell, as administrator:

PS C:\Users\fco> javac -version
javac 11.0.21

PS C:\Users\fco> pg_config --version
PostgreSQL 14.10

PS C:\Users\fco> nlserver pdump
15:16:55 >   Application server for Adobe Campaign Classic (7.3.4 build 9364@8f3ef8e of 09/04/2023)

Start the server from the command line

Server started from CLI

Powershell, as administrator:

PS C:\Users\fco> nlserver web # create the default files serverConf & config-default
16:19:10 >   Application server for Adobe Campaign Classic (7.3.4 build 9364@8f3ef8e of 09/04/2023)
16:19:10 >   Starting Web server module (pid=7636, tid=3156)...
16:19:10 >   Creation of the server configuration file 'C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Campaign Classic v7\conf\serverConf.xml' from 'C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Campaign Classic v7\conf\eng\serverConf.xml.sample'
16:19:10 >   Creation of the server configuration file 'C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Campaign Classic v7\conf\config-default.xml' from 'C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Campaign Classic v7\conf\models\config-default.xml'
16:19:10 >   Server started
16:19:13 >   Stop requested (pid=7636)
16:19:13 >   Stopping Web server (pid=7636, tid=3156)...

PS C:\Users\fco> nlserver start web # start tomcat
16:19:50 >   Application server for Adobe Campaign Classic (7.3.4 build 9364@8f3ef8e of 09/04/2023)
16:19:50 >   Launching task 'web@default' ('nlserver web -tracefile:web@default -instance:default -detach -tomcat -autorepair') in a new process
16:19:50 >   Application server for Adobe Campaign Classic (7.3.4 build 9364@8f3ef8e of 09/04/2023)
16:19:50 >   Starting Web server module (pid=9984, tid=3520)...
16:19:51 >   Tomcat started
16:19:51 >   Server started

PS C:\Users\fco> net start nlserver6 # run at startup
The Adobe Campaign - Application Server 7.0 service is starting.
The Adobe Campaign - Application Server 7.0 service was started successfully.

PS C:\Users\fco> nlserver config -internalpassword # change password
16:24:18 >   Application server for Adobe Campaign Classic (7.3.4 build 9364@8f3ef8e of 09/04/2023)
Enter the current password.
Password: <EMPTY>
Enter the new password.
Password: <internal>
Confirmation: <internal>
16:24:24 >   Password successfully changed for account 'internal' (authentication mode 'nl').

PS C:\Users\fco> nlserver config -verbose -addinstance:instance1/*/eng
16:28:23 >   Application server for Adobe Campaign Classic (7.3.4 build 9364@8f3ef8e of 09/04/2023)
16:28:23 >   Generating configuration diff file 'C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Campaign Classic v7\conf\serverConf.xml.diff' between 'C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Campaign Classic v7\conf\serverConf.xml' and 'C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Campaign Classic v7\conf\eng\serverConf.xml.sample'.
16:28:24 >   PInstanceSlot not found for Vault token rotate: overwriting iRc to 0
16:28:24 >   Skiping call to vault for refreshing the token
16:28:24 >   Creation of the server configuration file 'C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Campaign Classic v7\conf\config-instance1.xml' from 'C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Campaign Classic v7\conf\models\config-multi.xml'

Configure the instance from the Console

Instance configuration from the client

Start the console from C:\Users\fco.PC\Neolane\Adobe Campaign Classic v7 Client\bin\nlclient.exe.

Proceed to the Database creation with:

  • Database Creation
    • Database: PostgreSQL
    • Host: localhost
  • Server access
    • Account: postgres
    • Password
  • Database
    • Database name: neolane
    • Create a new user account for this database
    • Account: neolane
    • Password: neolane
  • Packages to install
    • Delivery
  • Creation steps
    • Adobe Campaign administrator password: Set or change the password
    • Password: admin

Start workflows

PS C:\Users\fco> nlserver start wfserver@instance1
01:06:04 >   Application server for Adobe Campaign Classic (7.3.4 build 9364@8f3ef8e of 09/04/2023)
01:06:05 >   Launching task 'wfserver@instance1' ('nlserver wfserver -tracefile:wfserver@instance1 -instance:instance1 -detach') in a new process
01:06:05 >   Application server for Adobe Campaign Classic (7.3.4 build 9364@8f3ef8e of 09/04/2023)
01:06:05 >   Starting workflow server (pid=12628, tid=7700)...
01:06:05 >   Starting 1 connection(s) on pool 'default instance1' (PostgreSQL, server='localhost', login='neolane:neolane')

Connect as admin

PostgreSQL SQL request check Adobe Campaign

Login with admin/admin.

All set!

Create a recipient and check with pgAdmin: public.nmsrecipient/neolane/postgres@PostgreSQL 14
