Create a JS Activity like this:

We have no knowledge of the server, let’s start our digging with some basic commands:


The workflow finishes with success, but there’s no output. Edit it like this:

var result = execCommand("id");
logInfo(result); // 0,uid=XXXX (aaa) gid=YYYY (bbb) groups=...

Because execCommand signature is as follow:

 * @param cmd Bash command to be executed on the server
 * @return array[int status, string response]
 * @throw Exception if
 *   - command failed
 *   - the neolane user doesn't have the "createProcess" right
function execCommand(string cmd): array

So we can wrap this up in a helper function:

function exec(command, log){
    logInfo('cus:helpers | executing | '+command);
  var result = execCommand(command);
  var lines = result[1].split("\n");
    for each (var line in lines){
      logInfo("" + line);
  return lines;

And therefore, use it this way:

exec('id', true); // ...
exec('pwd', true); // /usr/local/neolane/[...]
exec('cat /etc/issue', true); // Debian GNU/Linux X
exec('uname -a', true); // Linux [...]
exec("cat ~/.bashrc", true) // # ~/.bashrc: executed by bash(1) for non-login shells. [...]

// find file
exec('cd ../../ && pwd && find ./ -name facebookConnector.js', true)
exec('cd ../../ && pwd && find ./ -name twitterConnector.js', true)

// read file
exec('cd ../../ && pwd && cat deprecated/server/nms/facebookConnector.js', true)
exec('cd ../../ && pwd && cat datakit/nms/eng/js/twitterConnector.js', true)

// find where the text " is mandatory." is defined
exec("cd ../../ && pwd && grep --include=\*.xml -rnw . -e ' is mandatory.' ", true); // 08/02/2018 2:53:11 PM	js2222	./datakit/nms/eng/package/systemStrings.xml:116:  <dictionaryString locale="en" context="system" object-id="0" sourceId="requiredLog" status="2" text="Field '{1}' is mandatory.">

// Apache info
exec('cat /etc/apache2/apache2.conf', true) // display
exec('cp /etc/apache2/apache2.conf /sftp/[...]/', true) // copy to your ftp
exec("cat /etc/apache2/envvars > /sftp/[...]/", true) // echo to a file

Also, you can get the content of you serverConf.xml with this tutorial