Send a daily alert if some of your critical workflows are not running (status is paused, failed, restart required..).



The workflow runs daily @ 9AM and check against a whitelist of workflows that need to be up and running every day. If some workflow are not in the β€œStarted” state, an email is sent with data such as Label, Last run date, Folder, etc.

Workflow set up

The workflow consists of a Scheduler, a Query on workflows, a Javascript activity and an Email Alert:

Query set up

The query is based on xtk:workflow, where the state is different from Started and the internalName is in a whitelist with OR conditions:

Use additional data to add the columns you need to display:

You can use @folderLabel for the Folder Label alias.

Test activity set up

The test activity performs a simple test on vars.recCount > 0 without the default connection:

Javascript activity

The JS builds an HTML table based on the query results:

var query = NLWS.xtkQueryDef.create({queryDef: {
  schema: vars.targetSchema, operation: "select",
  select: { node: [
    {expr: "@internalName"},
    {expr: "@label"},
    {expr: "@folderLabel"},
    {expr: "@lastStart"},
    {expr: "@state"},
  orderBy: { node: [{expr:"@label", sortDesc:"false"}] }
var records = query.ExecuteQuery();

vars.htmlEmail = '';
vars.htmlEmail += '<table border="1"><thead>';
vars.htmlEmail += '<tr><th>internalName</th><th>Label</th><th>State</th><th>Last Start</th><th>Folder</th></tr>';
vars.htmlEmail += '</thead><tbody>';
for each(var record in records.getElements()){
  vars.htmlEmail += '<tr>';
  vars.htmlEmail += '<td>'+record.$internalName+'</td>';
  vars.htmlEmail += '<td>'+record.$label+'</td>';
  vars.htmlEmail += '<td>'+record.$state+'</td>';
  vars.htmlEmail += '<td>'+record.$lastStart+'</td>';
  vars.htmlEmail += '<td>'+record.$folderLabel+'</td>';
  vars.htmlEmail += '</tr>';
vars.htmlEmail += '</tbody></table>';

More details on the queryDef object on the queryDef toolbox tutorial.

Email activity

The email uses vars.recCount and vars.htmlEmail:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<P>This is to notify you that&nbsp;following workflows are STOPPED on <%= formatDate(new Date(), "%4Y/%2M/%2D") %>.</P>
<P><STRONG>List of non running workflows</STRONG>:<BR><%= vars.htmlEmail %></P>
<P>Please make sure that those workflows are <STRONG>always</STRONG> 



Update: Javascript activity can be reduced to a simple SQL call, then the Email uses new XML(vars.records), see

Delete the JS activity. In the advanced tab of the Alert:

var query = NLWS.xtkQueryDef.create({queryDef: {
  schema: vars.targetSchema, operation: "select",
  select: { node: [
    {expr: "@field1"},
    {expr: "@field2"},
//  orderBy: { node: [{expr:"@label", sortDesc:"false"}] }
var records = query.ExecuteQuery(); // DOMElement
vars.records = records.toXMLString() // serialization as a string
  .replace(/query-collection/g, 'collection'); // needed because <query-collection> is an invalid node name

In the HTML Source tab of the Alert:

var records = DOMDocument.fromXMLString(vars.records);
for each (var record in records.root.getElements()){ %> 
    <TD><%= record.$field1 %></TD>
    <TD><%= record.$field2 %></TD>
 } %></TBODY></TABLE>