var x = 1234567.89;
// with NL.Locale
loadLibrary('xtk:shared/nl.js'); // for NL
NL.require('/nl/core/jsspcontext.js'); // for NL.Locale
NL.Locale.formatNumber(x) // 1,234,568 (uses default settings from NL.session.locale, see next chapter)
NL.Locale.formatNumber(x, {addSymbol: true}) // $1,234,568
var formatUS = {pattern: 'ยค#,##0.00', groupSymbol: ',', decimalSymbol: '.', symbol: '$'};
NL.Locale.formatNumber(x, formatUS) // $1,234,567.89
var formatFR = {pattern: '#,##0.00 ยค', groupSymbol: ' ', decimalSymbol: ',', symbol: 'โฌ'};
NL.Locale.formatNumber(x, formatFR) // 1 234 567,89 โฌ
// with Format
loadLibrary('xtk:common.js'); // for Format
Format.formatNumber(x) // 1,234,567.89
NL.Locale doc
* @param {Number} number the number to format
* @param {mixed} format is the format to use:
* string: pattern to use
* number: number of decimal places for the formatted value
* JSON object:
* addSymbol
* pattern:
* 0 - represent any digit
* # - represent any digit, 0 is shows as absent
* . - decimal separator (replaced by format.decimalSymbol)
* - - minus sign (replaced by format.minusSign)
* , - grouping separator (replaced by format.groupSymbol)
* ยค - currency sign (\u00A4) (replaced by format.symbol)
* @param {String, optional} defaultReturn String to use when value is not a valid number
* @return string
* @throws {Error} When value is not a valid number and defaultReturn is not defined.
function formatNumber(value, format, defaultReturn)
from \usr\local\neolane\nl6\datakit\xtk\fra\js\shared\dataTypes.js
Get your locale regional settings from the current locale NL.session.locale
. Example for the en-us
"longDate":"%A, %D %B, %4Y",
"time":"%I:%2N:%2S %P",
"shortDateTime":"%2M/%2D/%4Y %I:%2N:%2S %P",
"AmPm":["AM", "PM"],
"shortQuarter":"Q%C %4Y",
"longQuarter":"%Q %4Y",
"longMonth":"%B %4Y",
"longWeek":"%4V - Week %2W",
"daysName":["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"],
"shortDaysName":["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"],
"monthsName":["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"],
"quartersName":["1st quarter", "2nd quarter", "3rd quarter", "4th quarter"],
"timeSpanUnits":{"seconds":"s", "minutes":"mn", "hours":"h", "days":"d", "months":"m", "years":"y"},
"booleanStrings":{"true":"true", "false":"false"},
"dataSize":[{"symbol":"B", "factor":1}, {"symbol":"kB", "factor":1024}, {"symbol":"MB", "factor":1048576}, {"symbol":"GB", "factor":1073741824}],
"count":[{"symbol":"", "factor":1}, {"symbol":"k","factor":1000}, {"symbol":"M","factor":1000000}, {"symbol":"G","factor":1000000000}]
The regional settings are defined as a local var _regionSettings
in dataTypes.js
All NL.Locale
functions and vars:
NL.Locale.getFormat = function(name, options)
NL.Locale.defaultLanguage = 'en-us';
NL.Locale.getLocale = function (language)
NL.Locale.getValidLanguageFromHttpHeader = function (header, validityCheck)
NL.Locale.NL.session.locale = getLocale(locale);
NL.Locale.parseBoolean = function(value, defaultReturn)
NL.Locale.formatBoolean = function(value, format, defaultReturn)
NL.Locale.parseString = function(value, defaultReturn)
NL.Locale.parseNumber = function(value, defaultReturn)
NL.Locale.parseInt = function(value, defaultReturn)
NL.Locale.formatNumber = function(value, format, defaultReturn)
NL.Locale.formatInt = function(value, format, defaultReturn)
NL.Locale.formatPercent = function (value, decimalPlaces, defaultReturn)
NL.Locale.formatDataSize = function (value, format, defaultReturn)
NL.Locale.formatWithUnit = function (value, significantFigures, unit, defaultReturn)
NL.Locale.getMonthName = function (arg)
NL.Locale._splitFormat = function (format)
NL.Locale.parseDateTime = function(value, format, defaultReturn)
NL.Locale.parseDateOnly = function(value, format, defaultReturn)
NL.Locale.parseTime = function(value, format, defaultReturn)
NL.Locale.formatDateTime = function(value, format, defaultReturn)
NL.Locale.formatDateOnly = function(value, format, defaultReturn)
NL.Locale.formatTime = function(value, format, defaultReturn)
NL.Locale.formatDatePartial = function(datePartial, interval, format)
NL.Locale.formatTimeSpan = function(value, format, defaultReturn)