122 Posts

Linux training with overthewire [Part 1/10: Bandit 1-10]

Train your Linux skills with the excellent OverTheWire wargames.


The concept is to connect to a server through SSH and find out a password or a way...

Use Node-RED for automation

We’ll cover a simple example of sending a slack message every morning to get the day weather’s forecast: min-max temp and an emoji depicting what the sky will be like,...

Migrate from Wordpress to Jekyll [Part 1/2]

This post is the part 1 of the tutorial collection on how to migrate from Wordpress to Jekyll.


Create a Search in Jekyll [Part 2/2]

This post is the part 2 of the tutorial collection on how to migrate from Wordpress to Jekyll.


Git commit naming

Commits are prefixed

Use the following prefixes:

  • + for a new feature
  • * for an improvement of an existing feature
  • ! for a fix

Create your first OVH cloud project IaaS

Simple VPS provisionning with basic LAMP server via OVH Manager and OVH Public Cloud. We will go through the whole process: creating the instance, configuring it, connecting via SSH...

How JSSPs work in ACC (Dynamic JavaScript Server Page)

JSSP pages are server-side public web pages in Adobe Campaign Classic. Here are some info about it. It will result in pages with the .jssp extension.