122 Posts

How to use Uploader, the Prestashop upload management class?

Tired of using $\_FILES and move\_uploaded_file? Well, Uploader is here to help you! No more error checking, extension safety, etc. This tutorial will show you how...

Add a module manually with Prestashop 1.7

Your UI is not working? Your Backoffice doesn’t allow you to install a module anymore because you tweaked it? You can install a module by hand in SQL directly by...

Create an Admin Controller for a custom SQL table (Part 1/2) [Prestashop 1.7]

Prestashop has developed a great admin interface: data table, filters, edit/create form, etc. But you know what? You can re-use this UI for your own SQL tables. This tutorial will...

Add variables from a Workflow in a Delivery in Adobe Campaign

You process then create variables in your Workflow and you would like to be able to use them in a delivery? You can! Adobe Campaign allows you to define Delivery...

Nginx.conf for Let's Encrypt auto https renewal

Let’s Encrypt uses a GET request to your website to automatically renew your certificate. Let’s Encrypt may encounter some 403 unauthorized when trying to make this HTTP request because it...

How to send an email from Javascript?

Have you ever wanted to send an email from client-side? You only have javascript at your disposal but you don’t want your customers to be able to see your credentials?...

Execute a WHERE on a linked table in a Backoffice List of Prestashop 1.7

You have a list with a linked table? For example in the AdminController you display Customer, right? What if you want to separate first names and last names ; and...

How to work with the symfony kernel anywhere in Prestashop 1.7

You want to fully tak advantage of symfony in your Prestashop application? Use the symfony kernel! By default, the $kernel variable is only available in the Backoffice section, but here’s...

Constants and variables for Prestashop 1.7 [PHP, Smarty, Javascript, Twig]

Ever wondered what constant to use in your controllers? Is it _PS_ROOT_DIR_ or __PS_BASE_URI__? In smarty templates, would you go for {$urls.img_dir} or Read more

Understanding the cache of Prestashop 1.7 (and Symfony)

Cache allows your customers to enhance their shopping experience by greatly improving page load. For example, each time a customer searches for iphone 8 in your store, Prestashop...