122 Posts

Asynchronous API calls from Adobe Campaign (& External Delivery)

Speed up your HTTP calls with parallele HttpClientRequest API calls! Ideal for batching unit calls.

AzCopy from Adobe Campaign

Connect Adobe Campaign to Azure using AzCopy! Download, upload, sync files from and to Azure with 1 Javascript Function!

Delivery Post-Processing Best Pratices (on Adobe Campaign)

Find out how to execute actions after a delivery has been sent with Post-Processing in the Campaign, the Routing and the Service Provider!

JavaFX installation for Windows & MacOS

Since Java 11, JavaFX is not included in the JDK anymore. Here’s how to download it and set it up on both Windows & MacOS!

Powershell API calls: Best Practices

Powershell script for API call (REST), Environments management, Exception catching, foreach loop and write to file

Tracking links detection & formula with targetData in Adobe Campaign (+ UTM codes!)

How to track your HTML links in an Adobe Campaign delivery when they are generated from upstream data targetData?
